.a surf spot named Crystal.
"250,000: miles of coastline on the planet. Only a fraction of which is actually surfed."

Seeing as how I only surf 0.10385 miles of all that open coastline I'm not one to talk. I am such a damn creature of habit. But at least for everyone else that means less Crystal in their lineup, which is almost always a good thing ...
I was reading Surfing magazine [hence the quote] and saw that they're offering a nifty prize [a prize pack AND tagging along on a surf trip to that spot with surfing "professionals"] to the person who discovers the best undiscovered surfbreak using Google's Earth satellite imaging program. If I was at all technologically "ept" I might attempt such a feat. Then again, if I were able to accomplish such things I would find the place, christen it Crystal and travel there all on my own without ever telling a soul about it.
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