After dinner the kiddies wanted to go fishing in the stream. So net and bucket in tow we crossed the street and went frolicking about in Nuuanu stream [the little one, not the larger one].
When I was in elementary school I remember spending my summer days in the backyards of the neighbors across the street fishing in the stream. We caught everything from opai [freshwater shrimp] to crayfish, guppies, swordtails, tadpoles, etc. Of course even then, there would be times when the stream would go dead because someone's lawn man [or even owner] would grow lazy and dump fuel or insect poison into the water upstream. All that we would find would catch was the odd guppy and we'd see dead crayfish shells floating in the eddies.
Today there were a number of fish, but now, mainly suckers. Despite the commercials on tv idiots still continue to dump there aquarium pets into the stream where they proceed to multiply by the minute. We were only scoop-netting a fifty foot stretch of river and caught more than thirty suckers.

They are so disgusting. Ick.
When I was in elementary school I remember spending my summer days in the backyards of the neighbors across the street fishing in the stream. We caught everything from opai [freshwater shrimp] to crayfish, guppies, swordtails, tadpoles, etc. Of course even then, there would be times when the stream would go dead because someone's lawn man [or even owner] would grow lazy and dump fuel or insect poison into the water upstream. All that we would find would catch was the odd guppy and we'd see dead crayfish shells floating in the eddies.
Today there were a number of fish, but now, mainly suckers. Despite the commercials on tv idiots still continue to dump there aquarium pets into the stream where they proceed to multiply by the minute. We were only scoop-netting a fifty foot stretch of river and caught more than thirty suckers.

They are so disgusting. Ick.
With Daddy's permission we dumped all the little suckies underneath a bush in our front yard. Good fertilizer!
I know the Hawaiian Humane Society offers a program where you can bring in your unwanted aquarium fish. I don't remember where they keep them [or even if they keep them anymore] but either way I'm sure it's a better alternative than releasing them amongst all the poor guppies and opais!
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