Saturday, February 24, 2007

.almost kissing.

Congratulations to my beloved Gay Bob (aka Bobalicious) on his impending marriage-hood come tomorrow.

On Friday he was out celebrating his last remaining days of freedom and must have been in remarkably good spirits, allowing me to play with his 7'10 egg. I heart that board but rarely get to switch with him because he never wants to play with my itty bitty 5'10. Anyway, I took off on a wave and had a hard time turning the board (could have been that extra two feet) and thought that I almost killed Greg.

So I paddle over to Jess.

Me: Jess, I almost killed Greg.
Jess: You almost kissed Greg?
Me: NO! ... How do you 'almost kiss' someone?

Please note, Jess = Greg's girlfriend.

Anyway, it was quite funny and I was told that I mumble (which I don't think I do ... because Jess also misheard something again today, so maybe it's just her hearing?)

Oh, and Trisha is back in the h2o after her multiple month recovery. Which means more girls in the h2o for the longboarders to aim at.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

.whale watching.

Yesterday, in the midst of freezing to death in gale-force winds and icy cold water I spotted a whale spouting. :) It was huuuuuuuuuuuuge - it's flipper was the same height as the sail boat which it was swimming quite close to (I told Errol he should swim over and make friends with it). I named my new whale friend Flipper.

Even though there were supposedly waves this morning I dug out and returned home to sleep. I'm not used to winter surf. Maybe tomorrow though.

Remind me to share the story of the time I locked my keys in the car (because I took out the wrong key - I had the car not the truck) and Warren and Brad broke in with a screwdriver and a hanger, Gavin had to lend me a towel and everyone came over to watch the festivities. All very entertaining.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

.animal killer.

I just ran over a mongoose. :(

In my defense, I couldn't avoid it and thought that I'd made it clear until I felt a bump underneath my back tire and saw a limp, unmoving, furry body left in my wake (which the car in back of me had to swerve to avoid). The poor goosey managed to avoid the car in the front of me only to get confused and scurry to it's demise beneath my truck. I'm sad. At least there was no blood on my tires though.

Sunday, February 04, 2007


This morning I dragged my warm and toasty behind (I spent the night sleeping cozily beneath TWO comforters ... one an extra thick one that I used back in California) up and out of bed at 6 a.m. down to the beach. G. spent much of the morning convincing me to surf, but after listening to Brad and Doug's story of the 6 foot shark they spotted (and which brought them all, hastily paddling in) I was content to keep all of my appendages safely on land. FINALLY (at 7:30) I was convinced to grab my board and paddle out when Eddie (Pang) calls G. over to tell him that he spotted four, 10-foot sharks feeding out in front of Concessions. Lovely.

So there was no surfing this morning. Again.

At least there is football.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Only two sessions in 10 days ... boo.

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